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2023 Vol.45, Issue 2 Preview Page


30 June 2023. pp. 57-69
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Jeong HJ, Yih W, Kang NS, Lee SY, Yoon EY, Yoo YD, Kim HS, Kim JH (2012b) First report of the epiphytic benthic dinoflagellates Coolia canariensis and Coolia malayensis in the waters off Jeju Island, Korea: morphology and rDNA sequences. J Eukaryot Microbiol 59:114-133 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00610.x22335523
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  • Publisher :Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국해양과학기술원
  • Journal Title :Ocean and Polar Research
  • Journal Title(Ko) :Ocean and Polar Research
  • Volume : 45
  • No :2
  • Pages :57-69
  • Received Date : 2023-04-20
  • Revised Date : 2023-06-06
  • Accepted Date : 2023-06-07