Current Issue
2024 Vol.46, Issue 4
Characteristics of Near-Inertial Oscillations in the East Sea using High-Resolution Surface Drifters at Hourly Intervals
한 시간 간격 고해상도 표층뜰개 자료를 활용한 동해 준관성진동 특성
Dongho Kim, Eun-Joo Lee, Chanhyung Jeon
김동호, 이은주, 전찬형
Characteristics of Near-Inertial Oscillations in the East Sea using High-Resolution Surface Drifters at Hourly Intervals
- First Report and Characterization of Tetraselmis marina MP0060 Isolated from the Dokdo Islands, Korea: Morphological, Genetic, and Fatty Acid Characteristics
- Nam Seon Kang, Chang Rak Jo, Young Ho Koh, Sun Young Kim, Hyeon Gyeong Jeong
Estimation of Three-Dimensional Temperature in the Northern East China Sea Using an Ensemble Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks
인공신경망 앙상블 모델 기반 동중국해 북부해역의 3차원 수온장 추정
Jae-Wook Lee, Eun-Joo Lee, Jae-Hun Park
이재욱, 이은주, 박재훈
Estimation of Three-Dimensional Temperature in the Northern East China Sea Using an Ensemble Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks
Characteristics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrients Distribution in Coastal Regions near Ephemeral Streams in Jeju Island during Summer
여름철 제주도 건천 주변 연안해역에서 해저지하수 유출과 영양염 분포 특성
Yong-Won Kim, Sugang Kim, Sunchan Kim, Tae-Hoon Kim
김용원, 김수강, 김순찬, 김태훈
Characteristics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrients Distribution in Coastal Regions near Ephemeral Streams in Jeju Island during Summer
Characteristics of the Benthic Dinoflagellates Community in Pyoseon Beach of Jeju Island, Republic of Korea during the 2022 Spring and Summer
2022년 춘계에서 하계까지 제주 표선 사질 조간대에서 서식하는 저서와편모조류의 군집 특성
Su-Min Kang, Ji Yeon Jang, Do Yun Jeong, Xu Wang, Yun Hyeong Choi, Joon-Baek Lee, Jin Ho Kim
강수민, 장지연, 정도윤, 왕욱, 최윤형, 이준백, 김진호
Characteristics of the Benthic Dinoflagellates Community in Pyoseon Beach of Jeju Island, Republic of Korea during the 2022 Spring and Summer
2024 Vol.46, Issue 3
Sequence Analysis of CO1 Genes of Fishery Resources from the Yellow Sea
eDNA 분석을 위한 황해 주요 수산자원의 CO1 염기서열 분석
Hyun Sagong, Joo Myun Park, Yeonjung Lee, Wonseok Yang, Soo Jeong Lee, Maeng Jin Kim, and Dong Han Choi
사공현, 박주면, 이연정, 양원석, 이수정, 김맹진, 최동한
Sequence Analysis of CO1 Genes of Fishery Resources from the Yellow Sea
Fisheries under the BBNJ Agreement
국가관할권 이원 생물다양성 협정상 어업 문제에 관한 검토
Deukhoon Han and Choi Jee-hyun
한덕훈, 최지현
Fisheries under the BBNJ Agreement
2024 Vol.46, Issue 2
Changes of Phytoplankton Community and Oceanic Physicochemical Properties of Jeju Coast in Spring and Summer Seasons, 2022
2022년 춘계에서 하계 제주 연안의 해양 물리화학적 특성 및 식물플랑크톤 출현 변동
Ji Yeon Jang, Joo-Hwan Kim, Do Yun Jeong, Su-Min Kang, Xu Wang, Yun Hyeong Choi, Joon-Baek Lee, Young Kyun Lim, Seung Ho Baek, Jin Ho Kim
장지연, 김주환, 정도윤, 강수민, 왕욱, 최윤형, 이준백, 임영균, 백승호, 김진호
Changes of Phytoplankton Community and Oceanic Physicochemical Properties of Jeju Coast in Spring and Summer Seasons, 2022
- Morphological and molecular investigation of Melosira octogona Schmidt (Melosirales, Bacillariophyta) isolated from the Jeju Island
- Sung Min An, Kichul Cho, Grace Choi
2024 Vol.46, Issue 1
Effects of Hallasan Mountain in Jeju Island on Typhoon’s Track and Intensity
태풍의 진로와 강도에 있어 제주도 한라산의 영향
Se-Won Do, Il-Ju Moon
도세원, 문일주
Effects of Hallasan Mountain in Jeju Island on Typhoon’s Track and Intensity
Bias-Aware Numerical Surface Temperature Prediction System in Cheonsu Bay during Summer and Sensitivity Experiments
편향보정을 고려한 수치모델 기반 여름철 천수만 수온예측시스템과 예측성능 개선을 위한 민감도 실험
Young-Joo Jung, Byoung-Ju Choi, Jae-Sung Choi, Sung-Gwan Myoung, Joon-Young Yang, Chang-Hoon Han
정영주, 최병주, 최재성, 명성관, 양준용, 한창훈
Bias-Aware Numerical Surface Temperature Prediction System in Cheonsu Bay during Summer and Sensitivity Experiments
A Process-based Relative Sea-level Budget Along the Coast of Korean Peninsula Over 1993–2018
1993–2018년 한반도 연안 상대해수면 수지 분석
Hyeonsoo Cha, Seongbae Jo, Jae-Hong Moon
차현수, 조성배, 문재홍
A Process-based Relative Sea-level Budget Along the Coast of Korean Peninsula Over 1993–2018
Identification of Environmental and Phytoplankton Fluctuation Patterns in Jinhae Bay, South Sea: Focusing on Harmful Plankton from 2017 to 2022
남해 진해만의 환경 및 식물플랑크톤 변동 패턴: 2017–2022년 유해 플랑크톤을 중심으로
Han-Sol Kim, Taehee Kim, Tae-Gyu Park, Jang-Seu Ki
김한솔, 김태희, 박태규, 기장서
Identification of Environmental and Phytoplankton Fluctuation Patterns in Jinhae Bay, South Sea: Focusing on Harmful Plankton from 2017 to 2022
- Effects of Red LED Spectra and Different Photoperiods on the Circadian Rhythm of Abalones (Haliotis discus hannai)
- Jin A Kim, Min Ju Kim, Jun-Hwan Kim, Cheol Young Choi
Performance Improvement of a Darrieus Hydrokinetic Turbine by Interaction and Diffusion Effects
상호작용과 확산 효과를 이용한 다리우스 유체동력 터빈의 성능 향상
Dasom Jeong, Jin-Soon Park, Jin Hwan Ko
정다솜, 박진순, 고진환
Performance Improvement of a Darrieus Hydrokinetic Turbine by Interaction and Diffusion Effects